rsdrisdelleJan 82 min readWhere is the Fantasy World of Moerden?Where exactly is the fantasy world of Moerden that Marise Leeson travels to in Follow the Shadows and in The Tales of Moerden Book 2?
rsdrisdelleNov 5, 20241 min readThe Green ManThe Green Man, like dragons, shows up in the mythology of many human cultures. He gives (almost) human form to nature, and is typically...
rsdrisdelleOct 17, 20241 min readArgar seedargar seed : the seed of a wild plant found in the Darjugan Canyon in Moerden. The argar plant tolerates both wet and dry conditions but...
rsdrisdelleMay 6, 20242 min readWould I Hang Out with My Protagonist in Real Life?Fresh Fiction asked me if I would hang out with my main character in real life and I found the question intriguing (Fresh Books: Follow...
rsdrisdelleApr 1, 20242 min readJeongjeong (plural jeong): Readers of Follow the Shadows meet the savage jeong right at the beginning. These carnivores hunt the forests along...
rsdrisdelleMar 21, 20242 min readFollow the Shadows Book Reviews - Imagination, Plot Twists, HumorImagination, plot twists, humor. Reviews of Follow the Shadows provide a fascinating glimpse of what people are looking for in a good...