argar seed: the seed of a wild plant found in the Darjugan Canyon in Moerden. The argar plant tolerates both wet and dry conditions but requires running water to produce seeds. It grows on the river bank, sending roots deep into the current and the riverbed. It bears its edible 2 to 4-inch seeds in clusters below umbrella-like leaves on sturdy 4 to 6-foot stems. The seeds are fuzzy and brown, reminiscent of kiwi fruit but with a shell. When broken open, they smell like apple juice or perhaps antiseptic ointment, and they have a semi-liquid whitish filling that looks like under-cooked egg white. When heated they turn golden brown and crack open, emitting a smell like roast chicken. The filling becomes rubbery and turns solid white. It tastes like sweetened chicken and is a good source of protein. Marise Leeson calls argar seed Moerden chestnuts.
© Rosemary Drisdelle 2024
